Monday, 4 June 2007

New Toy - 89 SWB Fourtrak

Driving round recently I noticed that there are alot of places you simply can't park a normal car and wander off to take photo's. I decided I needed something more suited to parking in hedges and ditches and I have always wanted a Daihatsu Fourtak. I trawled eBay and the local free-ads and evetually found a bargain Fourtrak.

It's an 89 2.8TD SWB Sport, it has a few 'issues' but I will get a fresh MOT on it [currently has 3 months] and then sort the odd bits of rust and repair the back door. Cost me very little in the end and I want to keep that theme going ;)

Anyway enough chat heres a couple of pictures to whet your appetite:

Need to get the old girl taxed, get the carpets re-fitted after I've cleaned them and then it's out for the maiden voyage.


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